Monday, October 15, 2007

New Fan Club Members

The Danny McClung Fan Club would like to welcome Chesley and Amy Simoneaux as new Fan Club members. Chesley and Amy are high school chums of Mr. McClung and can attest to his high school athletic prowess.

Welcome to the club!


Ches said...

Hi Danny ~

I'm so honored to be one of your newest fan members ! I always wanted to be like you when or if I ever growed up. Don't know what else to say.....I'm speechless.
Here's a big shout out to the artist extraordinare.....Debi Fitzgerald.
Give me a holla back @

You Da Man Dan ~ Ches

Debi Fitzgerald said...

Hi Chesley and Amy! Glad you could join The Club!

Funny that it takes Danny's Fan Club to hear from good friends that we have lost touch with!

Sent you guys an email! Can't wait to hear from you both!

Danny said...

Dear Chesley and Amy,
I am truly honored to have such prominent royalty join my club. If you contact my I.T. Department, you may want to get your own blog started. Mark me down as your #1 fan...the Christmas Recitals were awesome! ATTN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS, Mr. McClung is calling an Emergency Session to vote for the next Virtual Tennis Ball of Honor Award Winner!
The McClung

Wanda said...

This is really getting to be an elite club with members like the talented Simoneaux's. Maybe you can add a little "class" to this bunch, Chesley and Amy.